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7 Sept 2024

2024 Autumn BBQ and Cycle ride

Wytham Woods

As a quick summary, it all went very well and didn’t rain!

Our annual BBQ / cycle ride is a regular event, each year as uplifting as the last, and this being the third consecutive year we’ve had over 100 people join in. It’s an ideal occasion to meet old friends and make new ones, to enjoy a top-notch BBQ buffet lunch and welcome home our intrepid troop of riders from a tough 50 or 80Km ride, with pub stops of course!

Every year we do things slightly differently, finessing the art of having a good time, so we thank Dave and Jenny of Scampi fame for providing the mood music with old favourites and memorable songs, adding to a very nice relaxing atmosphere.

And this year we had the largest contingent of 34 OOSO riders taking on the challenge, and thankfully making it back to Wytham woods unscathed, up the last gruelling mile (the back breaker!) arriving just in time to be revived by Ann’s ‘Munchies’.

Photo's from the event can be found in the

Introducing Ann’s very merry, but not tipsy! team of helpers - Nick on the burgers, Julie, Zoe and Valerie on the prep and serving, and Curtis helping everywhere in between.  Ann makes it all look so easy but catering for 100s almost 7-days a week is no small task, she’s a true legend.

And we also especially thank Nick (warden at Wytham woods) and Oxford University, for letting us use their Saw Mill for a thoroughly good time.

The raffle’s a marathon in itself, with dozens of prizes very generously donated, including posh meals for two, a chocolatiers token (yummy!), bottles of Champers and wine, crates of beer from a local brewery, a side of smoked salmon, various flowers and all sorts of other goodies.  So, we’re very grateful to everyone donating prizes and buying tickets, thank you.

OOSO isn’t about fundraising, we much prefer not to ask for donations, because we’re all about patients, family and friends, however we came together for our annual day out and raised an incredible £2,611.50p!!!  It's great that people want to give.

Most notably, John F and Sarah N raised between them over £600 in sponsorship for their cycle rides, and we received individual donations on the day of more than £100 each from Kathryn C and Betty R – for which we are extremely grateful – thank you all!

Looking ahead to next time, it being the 10 year anniversary of our biggest OOSO event to date, nicknamed ‘JOGLE’ – the cycle ride from John OGroats to Lands End, we might do something extra special to mark the occasion, so watch this space.   

On reflection, personally, it felt a super day; to be there with my wife Do' and so many good friends, it makes it all worth it.

© 2024 Oxfordshire Oesophageal and Stomach Organisation, Charity  number 1152733. All rights reserved. All copyrights acknowledged.

OOSO makes every effort to ensure that the information we provided is accurate but it should not be relied upon to reflect the current state of medical research, which is constantly changing

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